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Health Services
Ajo Unified School District #15 is fully committed to the health of our students. Our health services staff looks after each student’s physical and mental well being while on our campus.
Nurse’s Notices
Students 11 Years Old or Older
AZ immunization law requires all 6th graders 11 years or older to be vaccinated for meningitis and have a Tdap booster shot. This must be done before they return to school after summer break. If you have a 5th-grade child who is or will be turning 11 years old before the start of the school year, please get him/her vaccinated at your earliest convenience after his/her 11th birthday. The state law and school district policy states that students who do not have the required vaccinations or a signed waiver on file at the school may not attend school until they meet these requirements. If your 6th-grade child turns 11 years old after the start of school, you should wait until the child’s 11th birthday to get the vaccines. Please visit our Registration & Immunizations page for more information, and feel free to contact our school nurse, Shannon Wolfe, LPN, with additional questions.
Student Medications
We will administer medication in accordance with state regulations and with physician and parental approval when the request meets the following requirements:
- There must be a written order from the physician stating the name of the medicine, the dosage, and the time the students should take it.
- The parent must provide written permission for the school or the student to administer the medicine.
- The medicine must come to the school office in the prescription container, or if it is an over-the-counter medication, in the original container with all the warnings and directions intact.
- We will discard any medicine still in our possession within four days of the last day of school.
Please visit the school health services office to complete our medication authorization form.
Health Precautions & Policies
Universal Precautions and Lice Policies are very important topics at this school. Students and parents should read and follow these guidelines carefully.
Universal Precautions
Universal Precautions are the basic hygienic practices used to protect anyone who may come in contact with body fluids (blood, urine, feces, and vomit) that could contain disease-causing germs.
Universal Precautions include:
- Proper hand-washing technique
- Use of disposable gloves and clean-up procedure
- Students need to understand the different aspects of these precautions depending on their age
The following are important skills for you to emphasize to your children:
- Good hand-washing skills
- Immediate notification of an adult if there is an accident
- Never touching blood directly
Good hygiene is the key to preventing the spread of MRSA and other illnesses. Please follow good hygiene practices, and remind children to do the same
- Wash hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.
- Cover open wounds.
- Do not share personal items like towels, clothing, or sports equipment.
- See your family medical provider for a skin infection that does not heal.
Lice Policies
At Ajo schools, we have a “No Nit” policy rule, which, in the student/parent handbook, states that children will be excluded from school until all lice and both viable and nonviable lice eggs (nits) are gone from the hair after treatment with the appropriate medication. The primary purpose of the “No Nit” policy is to allow the district to return the responsibility of lice control to parents, who have the resources to handle it.
If you need any information about lice and how to treat it, please visit our health services office to pick up helpful handouts. You can also find additional online resources on this page.