Registration & Immunizations
We are excited to introduce the PowerSchool Online Enrollment process for our school community. This convenient and user-friendly system allows families to enroll their children in our school from the comfort of their homes.
Nos complace presentar el proceso de inscripción en línea de PowerSchool para nuestra comunidad escolar. Este sistema conveniente y fácil de usar permite a las familias inscribir a sus hijos en nuestra escuela desde la comodidad de sus hogares. Haga clic aquí para obtener instrucciones en español.
New Student Enrollment Process (New Students Only)
Fill in the Pre-Registration Form:
- Complete the pre-registration form.
- After submitting the form, you will receive an email from the school with instructions on how to create a parent account and fill out the enrollment forms.
Enrollment Requirements for new students:
- Birth certificate: If using alternate proof of age, you must submit an affidavit stating why the birth certificate is not available.
- Parent’s current photo ID: Parent’s name must match the signature on all pages. If parent’s name is not on the birth certificate, government issued document or court order showing proof of custody is required.
- Address proof: Recent utility bill showing the address. In case of shared residence, a notarized affidavit of shared residence is needed. If the student lives outside of the city of Ajo, you have to submit a Certificate of Educational Convenience (CEC) application to the Pima County School Superintendent’s office. Your child may not start attending school until the CEC form is approved by the Pima county School Superintendent’s office.
- Immunization record.
- Report card/ Withdrawal form/ Transcript from the previous school.
- Any record of exceptional student services (IEP/ 504/ Gifted)
Returning Student Enrollment Process
Instructions for new and returning students for completing the online enrollment through PowerSchool Parent/Student portal, using the Browser/Mobile APP.
Parent Portal
Accessing enrollment forms through the browser:
- Navigate to the Parent Portal login page.
- Enter your username and password to log into your Parent Portal Account.
- Contact your district administrator if you do not have a Parent Portal Account.
- Select the forms link from the left-hand navigation bar.
- Forms to be completed will appear on the ‘Enrollment’ tab.
- Click on the form title to open the form.
- Complete the necessary information, and click ‘Submit.’
- Forms that have been sent to the student account will appear in the top navigation bar.
- You can click on the additional forms from the navigation bar or navigate back to the ‘Forms’ page, and click on the form title.
- Repeat steps 5–6 if any additional forms need to be completed.
Accessing Forms through the PowerSchool Mobile App:
**Please make sure you are on the most recent version of the app prior to logging in.
- Locate your ‘District Code.’
- The district code can be found in the bottom left corner of your Parent Portal.
- Contact your district administrator if you cannot locate your district code.
- Navigate to the PowerSchool App on your mobile phone.
- Enter your ‘District Code’, and click Submit.
- Enter your username and password, and log in to the mobile app.
- From the dashboard select ‘More’
- Helpful Tip: You can also click ‘Edit’ then drag the ‘Forms’ icon to the navigation bar to organize tabs.
- Click on ‘Forms’ to access forms that have been sent to the student account.
- From the dropdown on top of the page, choose ‘Enrollment’.
- Forms to be completed will appear.
- Click on the form title to open the form.
- Complete the necessary information, and click ‘Submit.’
- Repeat steps 9–10 if any additional forms need to be completed.
Student Portal
Accessing Forms through the Browser:
- Navigate to the Student Portal login page.
- Enter your username and password to login to your Student Portal Account.
- Contact your district administrator if you do not have a Student Portal Account.
- Select the ‘Forms’ link from the left-hand navigation bar.
- Forms to be completed will appear on the ‘Enrollment’ tab.
- Click on the form title to open the form.
- Complete the necessary information, and click ‘Submit.’
- Forms sent to the student account will appear in the top navigation bar.
- You can click on the additional forms from the Navigation bar or navigate back to the ‘Forms’ page, and click on the form title.
Accessing Forms through the PowerSchool Mobile App:
**Please make sure you are on the most recent version of the app prior to logging in.
- Locate your ‘District Code.’
- Navigate to the PowerSchool App on your mobile phone.
- Enter your ‘District Code’, and click Submit.
- Enter your username and password, and login to the mobile app.
- From the dashboard select ‘More.’
- Helpful Tip: You can also click ‘Edit’ then drag the ‘Forms’ icon to the navigation bar to organize tabs.
- Click on ‘Forms’ to access forms that have been sent to the student account.
- From the dropdown on top of the page, choose ‘Enrollment’.
- Forms to be completed will appear.
- Click on the form title to open the form.
- Complete the necessary information, and click ‘Submit.’
- Repeat steps 9–10 if any additional forms need to be completed.