Staff Awards/Recognition
Superintendent Dr. Soltero will pick a department or staff member weekly to recognize outstanding Ajo Schools staff.
AUSD English Learner (EL) Team

First and foremost you each deserve a great amount of credit for the excellent EL Parent Night (Thursday, November 14) that you organized in the cafeteria.
A heartfelt and big thank you as well to our AUSD Food Services Manager Alejandra Ortega for the great meal you provided to everybody in attendance (gracias, Jandi). Thank you also to Ms. Arancon, Mr. KC, and Ms. Lagria for showing support and being in attendance for this special event.
Our Fabulous Friday Shout Out goes to Mr. Villasenor, Ms. Queene, and Ms. Ira. Your explanation of the Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA) and all of the other critical details was so important for our Parents to hear.
They loved it and you could see their pride. They truly appreciated this special night!
Every single parent was looking at the reading, writing, listening, and speaking scores for their students/children and they were really engaged.
Thank you once again to the EL Team and we are so fortunate to have you on our AUSD Red Raider Team (just like we are fortunate to have every single one of you staff members on our Red Raider Team).
Muy bien hecho to our English Learner (EL) Team of Mr. Villasenor, Ms. Queene, and Ms. Ira for their Fabulous Friday Shout Out.
“It never ceases to amaze me that we truly have the best teachers in the state here in Ajo Unified School District.” ‐ Dr. Soltero
Ajo Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Roman Soltero recently recognized Ajo schools teachers Queene Dela Roma, Dodee De Lara, and Carrie Macarayo as part of his Terrific Tuesday Shout‐Out. About them he said, “They did an exceptonal job of recognizing our 7th, 8th, and 9th graders at the Superintendent Student of the Month Celebration at the governing board meeting last Wednesday, October 16. Their individual presentations highlighted every student for their incredible accomplishment. You could see the level of pride in every student’s face and the smiles from their family members that were present. It never ceases to amaze me that we truly have the best teachers in the state here in Ajo Unified School District.”
Pictured from the left are Dela Roma, De Lara, and Macarayo.
Fabulous Friday Shout-Out #5 Goes to the following Red Raiders

Ms. Arancon focused on this critical topic of Classroom Instruction and Student Learning that is so important as we strive to achieve our AUSD VISION: Everyone graduates college and career ready. This engaging professional development also helps AUSD build a Culture of Excellence as every teacher gave their feedback and insight on the math lesson.
Fabulous Friday Shout-Out #4 Goes to the following Red Raiders
Good Morning AUSD Red Raiders,
This Fabulous Friday Shout-Out goes to the following Red Raiders: The AUSD Facilities & Operations Leadership Team of Mr. Jose Yon & Mr. Daniel Cotton. These two key members of our team have gone above and beyond over the last two to three weeks. They have worked long hours and have been coming in on the weekend to help with the events taking place on campus (cheerleading team pancake breakfast, JOM holiday celebration, AUSD clean-up of the gymnasium). They are working hard making sure our campus is open and ready every single day for all of our Red Raiders.
You will see them driving buses, cleaning rooms, cutting and watering the grass, and cleaning the weight room, locker Rooms and the bleachers. They have been conducting their job performing duties with heart and pride, and they are making a positive difference.
Please join me in congratulating them for receiving this Fabulous Friday Shout-Out!
Roman Soltero
“You + Motivation = Success”
Fabulous Friday Shout-Out #3 Goes to the Following Red Raiders
Mr. Delara (Certified): Every day, he comes in to the special education department, as the director and is leading the team with a tremendous amount of enthusiasm. He is currently leading the department through a complete transformation and is providing the leadership for his team (special education resource teachers, secretary, and paraprofessionals). The environment is welcoming to all who enter: students, staff, and especially to our Ajo families. Mr. Delara has led professional development for the department and also for the teachers during a recent training on 45-day screening.
Ms. Brisy Nunez (Classified): Her welcoming demeanor and customer service mindset is truly evident every day with students, staff, and especially all the Ajo families throughout our incredible community. She is full of enthusiasm and also goes above and beyond by attending the classroom parent meetings since last year. She provides insight to our families in attendance, and they look forward to working with her.
Mr. Delara and Ms. Nunez conduct their job performing duties with heart, pride, and you could tell that they have established relationships the students, staff, and families!
Fabulous Friday Shout-Out #2 Goes to Our PK–1st Grade Team
Mrs. Cotay (PK teacher), Ms. Bethany, Ms. Shine, and Ms. Amber (paraprofessionals), Ms. Bagares (K teacher), and Ms. Abella (1st grade teacher)
Every day their classroom environment is welcoming to all who enter – students, staff, and especially to our Ajo families. The students are engaged, and you can tell the PK to 1st grade team has high expectations for their students.
The PK to 1st grade team set the tone and established a standard of excellence for all of our future superintendent student of the month celebrations at our governing board meetings. Their presentations during their student selections were full of enthusiasm and made the environment for our students and families feel special and very welcoming. This PK to 1st grade team demonstrated heart and pride, and you could tell that they have established relationships in their classrooms!
This is extremely critical in our second year of our AUSD transformation that all of us create a welcoming environment at all times for our AUSD community. We must continue to focus on the heart, pride, and relationships with all of our Red Raider community.