The Transportation Department serves all schools in Ajo Unified School District No. 15. We seek to maintain a high standard of excellence in providing quality customer service to our students while providing a secure and safe experience. We work with our community, parents, and staff to ensure our students receive the correct transportation services.
Ajo Bus Rules
Violation of the bus rules will result in a behavioral referral and could lead to the suspension of bus privileges.
- Respect the driver, other passengers, and their property.
- Follow directions immediately when asked; we may assign seats.
- Talk quietly, and keep hands to yourself; no fighting.
- Be courteous; no profanity, vulgar language, or obscene gestures.
- No eating, chewing gum, or drinking (except water).
- Remain in your seat, and face the front of the bus until the bus comes to a complete stop.
- Keep all parts of your body inside the bus.
- No littering or destruction of the bus.
- Passengers must keep instruments or equipment under control at all times or secured in the school bus.
- State law forbids the following items on a school bus: glass, insects, animals, tobacco, drugs, weapons, and dangerous items.